Monday, 22 April 2013

Green Tips is Hip .... LoVe YoUr PLaNeT

Here are a few tips to practice Loving your Planet !

1. Use hand towels instead of paper towels
2. Reduce paper waste - do banking or bill payments on line
3. TURN IT DOWN - turn thermostat down 1 degree - you're HOT enough on your own
4. LOVE your planet - don't litter
5. TURN IT OFF BABY - your computer, lights, T.V. when not in use
6. ENERGIZE YOURSELF - carpool, take a transit or ride or walk to your destination
7. shorten shower time - only sing ONE song in the shower
8. B.Y.O.B - bring your own bag - use reusable bags to do groceries & make a statement
9. Re-cycle your old yoga mat - use it under a rug, donate to a shelter or school
10. use washable plates & glasses for events rather then disposable ones.
11. LIGHTS OFF - turn unused lights off and stop lighting up your empty room
12. LET IT RAIN- use rain buckets for watering the garden 
13. Practice an attitude of gratitude daily for this beautiful planet we live on !

HaPpY EaRtH DaY !!

Thursday, 11 April 2013

4 Ways to Spring Clean from the Inside Out

Spring time is a time for renewal and rejuvenation.  Below is a few tips how to get your Spring on to a Life thats fresh and clean from the inside out 

Tuesday, 9 April 2013