So...14 years ago my nephew who is now 14 years old...was diagnosed with this rare disease called Hunters Syndrome or (muccopolysacroide II), a condition that affects everything from skeletal, muscular, dwarfism, enlarged organs, lack of walking and talking, living life from a g-tube and not having a long life span to name a few.
Suddenly, my life came to a heart was shattered... my life changed significantly.
Not thinking that anything like this can present itself in MY LIFE. This was a traumatic and rude awaking and life seemed to kick me right in the gut.
My life came to a halt, I was physically and emotionally affected from this life changing experience. The feeling of being happy was gone... there was no reason to be happy and I became very depressed for many months to follow knowing that a small child, my own flesh and blood had a horrific disease that there was no cure for. Life sucked for me at that moment and I couldn’t spark a smile for months.
We literally take life for granted when suddenly something so tragic in your life comes knocking on your door. I became angry, sad, confused, pissed off, depressed... so many emotions intertwined into the fabric of my being.
Then... I met YOGA.... my life Saviour and pal... having a background history in the fitness industry for the last 20 years, I thought what the hey.... lets add another certification under my belt, so I decided to take a weekend yoga training course.
And, to my unexpected surprise..... was shocked and left the course with my mouth wide open... not realising the depth to this 5000 year old discipline of Yoga.
Yoga left me feeling curious....kinda confused and I wanted to know more...I was drawn to this thing called Yoga and I wanted to tap my toes deeper into this yogic life style.
So I began my search into yoga, taking courses, certifications, attending conferences up the ying yang and it was there when I started to accept and begin to heal and began to move forward along this halt of a ride I was on... I started feeling happier, I started to smile again and accepted things more easily..
So the weaving of the meditation.. the tuning inwards...the discipline of the asanas (postures) along with this life giving breath... has sparked the Light inside me once again.
Yoga has this magical quality and I experience it...I love it.... so thank you Yoga for making me come back to life..
I now own my own studio, Namaste Yoga, and I love sharing the Art of Yoga with all.
If you're thinking of plunging into the ocean of Yoga... I say GO FOR IT... dive deep
and immerse yourself... and enjoy the ride.
Yoga taught me to be more grateful for all the smaller things in my life and I have finally come to the agreement to accept things in a calmer manner and to be happy just being me.
So... thank you Yoga, my good buddy old pal for getting me through this crazy unexpected life journey and experience.
I’m happy being me now, once again.
My little nephew who was affected with a threatening life disorder called Hunters syndrome.
If you're thinking of plunging into the ocean of Yoga... I say GO FOR IT... dive deep
and immerse yourself... and enjoy the ride.
My little nephew who was affected with a threatening life disorder called Hunters syndrome.